The AFMD aims to be a place where D&I professionnals and researchers can meet, discuss and produce mutually beneficial tools.
The subject we approach raise complicated questions and subjects in constant evolution. This is why we work with social sciences researchers specialised in the fight against discriminations and inclusion in the workplace.

Gendered stereotypes in University students
Students today are tomorrow professionals. The universities members of the AFMD observe that the student make choices about their courses and futur work that seems to be in part guided by gendered stereotypes.
In order to establish an inventory that can used by the Universities to act efficiently to remedy this issue, the AFMD and the CGE publish, every two years, a barometer on university students' gendered stereotypes.
The next edition of this barometer will take place in 2023.
This research has produced two publication (in French), produced with Pascale Borel, Marketing Professor at ESC Clermont. You can find the publications here and here.
For more informations you can contact
Gender and managerial categories of understanding
The AFMD have welcomed in 2019 Manon Ouvrard, Project and Research Manager and PhD candidate. her research
This research endeavours to grasp gendered power relations translated into managerial categories of understanding and perception.
The intent is to answer two main questions : how managerial categories of understanding are gendered and contribute to shape the
gendered symbolic universe in work organisations and how the gendered managerial categories of understanding are mobilized on a day-to-day basis,
how they guide the managerial activity and how it varies depending on context.
For more informations you can contact
Recruiter's perception on competencies and employability evaluation of candidates
The AFMD give it's support to the PhD work done by Charlotte Corchète, under the direction of Patrick Simon and Mirna Safi.
This works questions the influence of the highlighting of specific competences in the perceptions and choices of recruiters, but also of managers and directors in charge of recruitment.
The researches on recruitment generally use the method of testing, this research aims to use mixed methods :
- qualitative one to identify thematics and terms used in recruiters' discourses
- quantitative and experimental one with a survey and a fictional resume.
For more information you can contact
Student receptions of gender and sexual violence policies in higher education: a comparative study
The AFMD supports Lucie Longuet’s PhD research, made under the supervision of Lucie Bargel and Alban Jacquemart.
In the "post-MeToo" era, sexual and gender-based violence has recently become highly visible in the public, media and political spheres, particularly in higher education and research: although such violence has been denounced by militant groups since the early 2000s, recognition of its existence in the academic world is fairly recent.
Nevertheless, the rise of feminist discourse has led to the emergence of militant and institutional responses, both at the national and institutional levels, which signals the constitution of this phenomenon as a public problem. But if public action against this violence exists and has been strengthened in recent years, the contours of its institutionalization - that is, its integration into the practices and discourses of academic institutions - present variations (sometimes strong) from one institution to another.
This institutionalization obeys a double dynamic: if it is often synonymous with a distancing from the initial militant stakes, it also contributes to the diffusion of this type of discourse within the student population. The aim is to examine the reception of policies to fight against sexist and sexual violence by the student population, through a qualitative analysis of two groups of higher education institutions that differ both in their characteristics and in the political line adopted in this area. This will make it possible to understand how a "space for the fight against gender-based and sexual violence" is constructed within the institutions.
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