New release : Inclusion in organisations: from posture to practice.

On May 11th 2021, the AFMD launched the English version of one of its all time bestsellers Inclusion in organisation, from posture to practice.
Inclusion in organisations is a concept that originated in the United States twenty years ago. The first texts presented the philosophy of this position, with the most recent ones considering inclusion solely in terms of "inclusive management."
In order to envision this concept in all of its dimensions and thereby create a truly pragmatic tool, the AFMD invited Patrick Scharnitzky and Pete Stone to submit their theoretical model for inclusion to the operational perspective of managers and diversity specialists from member organisations.
Thanks to eight months of collaborative work, this book presents the first model for inclusion specific to the French environment. It draws on the psychology of the actors and systems theory of organisations to imagine practical applications, from recruitment to corporate culture, from talent management to team management. Finally, because the students of today are the managers of tomorrow, this book offers a framework to teach inclusion in higher education institutions.