New release : Racism and Racial Discrimination in the Workplace

In 2018 the AFMD published Le racisme et la discrimination raciale au travail. At that time, we wrote that these subjects weren’t given priority to by professional organisations. It is evident that in spite of social movements like Black Lives Matter, actions against racism and racial discrimination are still few and far between in the D&I policies.
On the occasion of the translation of this publication, the AFMD organised a conference « Tackling Racism and Racial Discrimination In the Workplace » on the 7th of October, as a closing event for the Seri 2022. The discussions that took place underlined the specificity of the French context regarding the fight against racism in the workplace, something we also noticed during the translation work.
More than a translation, an adaptation
We decided to not translate part of the original text, due to its focus on the application of French law and legal recourses. Some expressions needed to be contextualised or clarified, therefore the English version has been enriched with explanatory text boxes and footnotes. For example, we explained the use of the term « Black » in a French context.
This translated publication, like the original work, analyse the perceptions and representations linked to racism and racial discrimination in the workplace, study their manifestations at the different stages of professional life (recruitment, carrier, customer relations and daily life) and to formulate several recommendations aiming to aid in the struggle against racism and racial discrimination in organisations.
You can find the PDF version of the book here
With the French version of the publication came two posters on the manifestations and the consequences of racism. They are tools for professionals to have a better grasp on these problematics and communicate inside their organisations. Those poster have also been translated, do not hesitate to use them to raise awareness amongst your team and open discussions !