Racism And Racial Discrimination In The Workplace

Anaïs Coulon, Dorothée Prud'homme et Patrick Simon, AFMD 2018 | Review

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Almost 10 years after the implementation of the first diversity policies in France, the fight against racism and racial discrimination is almost never included in the focus areas of organisations championing the management of diversity. 

Yet, a discrimination study conducted in forms of a testing in 2016 showed that 47% of candidates with “French-sounding” names received positive answers while only 36% of the candidates with “north-African sounding name” (the same profiles in reality) did – an 11 points gap.

In addition to that, (only) 30% of the French population believe that “human races don’t exist” and 8% (still) believe that “there are races that are superior to others” 

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